Emotion Regulation with “5 4 3 2 1”

This article discusses managing overwhelm, and may not be right for everyone. Always check with your healthcare team if you’re concerned about your health. Being able to regulate our emotions in difficult moments can be key to managing overwhelm. One way of doing this is with the 5-4-3-2-1 activity. The activity can help you stayContinueContinue reading “Emotion Regulation with “5 4 3 2 1””

Lost Your Sparkle? Here’s 5 Ways to Boost Your Mojo

With the world being so busy, it makes sense if you’re feeling the strain. Here’s 5 tips that might help.

3 Tips for Self-Compassion

A popular quote on social media is “Learn to love yourself” – but what does that really mean? We may align this with self-care because we know it’s important for our well-being, particularly on bad days. But it can feel trite to talk about self-love as if it’s something we can just add to ourContinueContinue reading “3 Tips for Self-Compassion”

3 Ways to Respond With Empathy When Someone’s Not Ok

Someone discloses they’re having a rough time or they’ve had some bad news. How do some people normally respond? “You’ll get over it”. “It could be worse” “That happened to me” Maybe we’ve all done that at some point. But is that really the best way to help? Sometimes we shy away from difficult conversations,ContinueContinue reading “3 Ways to Respond With Empathy When Someone’s Not Ok”

5 Tips to Boost Your Mojo

In a world that feels like it’s moving faster than ever, it makes sense if you’re feeling over whelmed right now. Life events, like bereavement, or money worries can take their toll and before too long we might find we’ve lost some of our mojo – our energy, motivation or sense of purpose. There areContinueContinue reading “5 Tips to Boost Your Mojo”