
About The Work

I am a qualified counsellor, trainer, and author of Answers In The DarkGrief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal. I started my therapeutic career more than two decades ago, working with the bereaved. You can find out more about me here.

Lack of well-being, and particularly “poor” spiritual health can significantly impact individuals and communities, leading to loneliness and isolation. It’s important to understand the causes and proximal factors that influence this; for example, organisations can unwittingly contribute towards harm through poor workplace practices or unhealthy conversations around mental health, wellness and spirituality. This is why I provide services aimed at both organisations and individuals, with a particular focus on spiritual intelligence.

Below you can find statements in relation to my mission, vision and values with this in mind.

Mission – The Why

My mission is to help people, organisations and ultimately communities find their ‘mojo’ and get their sparkle back, especially during or after difficult times. This includes fostering connection through whole-hearted dialogue that facilitates meaningful change, and delivering compassionate education and conscious consultancy in a trauma-sensitive way.

The theoretical model I was trained in, and use, is influenced by humanistic thinkers like Carl Rogers, that centres authenticity, awareness, compassionate social action, spirituality and self-transcendence. 

I therefore believe in the power of human potential and, through the extensive involvement I’ve had facilitating peer support, know that communities can work together to help create a more peaceful and enlightened society. I strongly believe that when people find their purpose, they can lead meaningful, fulfilled lives that serve wider society.

Vision – The What

To be a meaningful facilitator and consciously compassionate content creator, thought leader and luminary who aims to improve the global conversation around wellness.

Values: The How


The energy of my work is intentionally directed towards this vision, mission and values and welcomes healthy dialogue from global communities, regardless of things like their race, gender, disability and sexual orientation. It therefore includes neurodivergent people, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ and non-binary people.

Consciously Compassionate – To work in the belief that people are born compassionate and recognise that many unhealthy opinions and behaviours are formed through lack of awareness, understanding and perpetuated by harmful narratives, including social media and institutional culture. 

To be consciously aware of systems of power and control which can influence beliefs and therefore behaviour, both at an individual and organisational level. To be intentional – to be conscious and show empathy – of the way things are said and done. 

Humble – To recognise that learning is a life long endeavour and that no one can ever know it all; to promote the reality that none of us are a ‘guru’ or ‘expert’ in someone else’s lived experience, but that through my skills, training and experience I may be able to offer insight and inspiration.

To stay up to date with current research and knowledge, to provide an accurate representation of current challenges and always do the best to provide an honest reflection of how conversations can improve.

Open – To be transparent in conversation and equally open to hearing differing views when discussing difficult topics; however, any form of abuse (including harassment, intimidation, gaslighting) will not be tolerated (see ‘Courage’ below). To be clear about what I can (and can’t) do to help. To emphasise that information provided through my services should never be used to replace the advice of your healthcare team. (See policies for more details).

Inclusive and Intersectional – To be mindful of and embrace our differences and encourage togetherness through meaningful conversation, and be aware of how struggles and difficulties can often intersect. To know that true collaboration means bringing people together to hear their voices, sharing awareness and experiences.

There are many important causes which need time and attention and so to encourage communities to establish their own service/campaign/movements/projects where appropriate to support those in need. As far as is possible, this also includes being intentional in decision making and responsive (rather than reactive) to people’s needs. 

Courage – to show moral courage by challenging unhealthy taboos, stigma, prejudice and discrimination, and by speaking up against opinions which aim to perpetuate myths and violence, for example by tackling misogyny. To be patient in interactions with others as far as is possible. To not tolerate any form of abuse including insidious communication such as ghosting and gaslighting. 

Engage – To open conversations which provide compassionate education, knowledge and insight that will help achieve this vision and mission statement, and to enable others to draw on their own strengths which empower healthy conversations that encourage positive change.

Delphi is the author of Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal, out now on Amazon and Hive.  Monday Mojo™ is not affiliated with any other newsletter or podcast that may have the same name.All content is © Delphi Ellis, all rights reserved. All services are subject to availability. Please read these policies for details.