Emotion Regulation with “5 4 3 2 1”

This article discusses managing overwhelm, and may not be right for everyone. Always check with your healthcare team if you’re concerned about your health. Being able to regulate our emotions in difficult moments can be key to managing overwhelm. One way of doing this is with the 5-4-3-2-1 activity. The activity can help you stayContinueContinue reading “Emotion Regulation with “5 4 3 2 1””

Lost Your Sparkle? Here’s 5 Ways to Boost Your Mojo

With the world being so busy, it makes sense if you’re feeling the strain. Here’s 5 tips that might help.

Bereavement Awareness Training and Workshops for Employees

Are you looking to support staff who have suffered a bereavement? Are you a leader, manager, well-being champion or from an Occupational Health or HR team who comes into regular contact with people who have lost someone they loved? If so, your organisation could benefit from this training. Aim The Bereavement Awareness Workshop is “HelpContinueContinue reading “Bereavement Awareness Training and Workshops for Employees”

Well-Being Champions Training for Employees

Do you have team members who would like to help others in the workplace? Do you already employ colleagues to support and signpost others? Would you like to give your workforce more confidence in how to help someone going through a difficult time? If so, your organisation could benefit from this training. Aim The Well-beingContinueContinue reading “Well-Being Champions Training for Employees”

The Loneliness of Grief: 3 Things to Help Us Reconnect

⚠️ Content warning: This article is a discussion around death, dying, loss and bereavement. When we talk about loneliness, we might think about the number of friends we have, or how much time we spend alone. Many people can relate to going days without speaking to a single person; this was certainly a reality for peopleContinueContinue reading “The Loneliness of Grief: 3 Things to Help Us Reconnect”