Got Big Plans for the Future But Don’t Know Where to Start? Here’s How to Create a Vision Board

Whether you’re someone who has high hopes and big ambitions or just wants to settle on a particular direction in life right now, you may have been wondering how to get started. A Vision Board is a great way of putting your aspirations into a visual display to help you decide and stay focused onContinueContinue reading “Got Big Plans for the Future But Don’t Know Where to Start? Here’s How to Create a Vision Board”

Monday Mojo – Unlock Your Dreams

Do you believe in yourself? It’s such a tough question, right? Because what does that even mean. One of the things about goals is, you have to want them as much as you have the skills to achieve them. This week, maybe set the intention to Unlock Your Dreams.  It makes sense that, to find yourContinueContinue reading “Monday Mojo – Unlock Your Dreams”

Monday Mojo – Start With Intention

How are your New Year’s resolutions going? If you’re on a roll, that’s amazing. But if you let out a big sigh, honestly don’t worry. For many people, by the third week of January, they’ve already face planted.  It happens. It’s normal. You’re not alone.  If the last two years have taught us anything, it’sContinueContinue reading “Monday Mojo – Start With Intention”

Monday Mojo – Empty the Box

First of all, Happy New Year. I hope the first few days have already brought you joy and comfort, and that you’ve been able to rest over the festive period. As we find ourselves in the first week of January 2022, many people will be filled with hope and optimism that this year is goingContinueContinue reading “Monday Mojo – Empty the Box”

Monday Mojo – Make it Small

What’s your goal for this week? I’m deliberately not asking about this month, or the rest of this year, because I think everyone is a bit nervous about making big plans right now.  And actually, that’s not a bad thing. When we tend to focus on big changes, we can put ourselves under a lot of pressureContinueContinue reading “Monday Mojo – Make it Small”