Mindful Living

Two travelling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across.  One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other side.  She thanked him and went on her way. 

As the monks continued their journey, the one who had hesitated was now brooding and seemed preoccupied.  Unable to remain silent any longer, he spoke out: “Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!” 

“Brother,” the second monk replied, “I set her down on the other side straight away, why are you still carrying her?”

Letting go isn’t easy.  Life can challenge us in many ways and the ripple effects of hurt and problems can stay with us for months or years to come.  Our time spent worrying about the future, or thinking about the past, can take us away from the here and now, and in doing so we miss the beauty of what’s happening all around us.  This is where mindfulness can help us focus our mind and our awareness in a way that can be good for us.

What is Mindfulness?

“Meditation is simply about being yourself and knowing something about who that is.  Mindfulness has to do with…questioning our view of the world and our place in it.  Most of all it has to do with being in touch.”  Jon Kabat-Zinn

Have you ever driven your car to work and not remembered the journey? This “automatic pilot” is what many of us have become used to, and it can stop us from living a fulfilling and rewarding life. We exist, rather than thrive. We get stuck in a rut.

Mindfulness is also about becoming ‘unstuck’. The teachings (which are over 2000 years old and which include those taught to me by a Buddhist monk) focus on bringing your awareness to your situation in a way that can be healthy and effective for you.

It’s about putting you back in touch with who you are, what you want, and helping you to steer in a direction where you’re in control.

What are the benefits?

Thank you for listening to me, your calmness, your empathy and the techniques you taught me to help with my anxiety. They have been invaluable and I will continue to use them.  Thank you for helping me find my sparkle. ~ Debbie

The benefits of mindfulness are known to improve sleep, reduce anxiety, and is also believed to help manage pain and stress (suitable in pregnancy).

I run a five week course on mindful living available to corporate clients – this can be tailored to shorter “micro-sessions” if preferred.

Dear Delphi. Thank you for a fascinating session.  Will certainly try these techniques to help me drift off to a good night’s sleep.

How to book with Delphi
Please use the form below to get in touch.

There is also a guide about meditation in the Members area which is exclusive to subscribers who join my mailing list – it’s free to subscribe.

There is also a guide on meditation in the members area, exclusive to subscribers of my mailing list.  It’s free to subscribe.

Published by Delphi Ellis

Counsellor, Trauma-Sensitive Trainer, Dreams Luminary and Author of Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal, out now on Amazon and Hive. Dream Expert as seen on TV. © All rights reserved.

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