
Are you having a recurring dream? Do you have a question about a particular symbol that you’d like to explore (because dream dictionaries and Google can’t always help)?

I’ve been exploring dreams for more than 20 years and I love getting asked questions about them; I’ve noticed over the years I’m asked questions with similar themes. (You can find out more about me here).

Many of these I explore in Answers In The Dark, but if you’ve got one you’d like to ask about, there’s now an exciting way you could have your question answered. 

The Dream Download™ is specifically for people who don’t mind their dream question made public (in any format), and if published may even help others who are having similar dreams. 

Just send your dream question below and you could find it’s answered free of charge in one of the following ways:

  • via my YouTube Channel or in a podcast 
  • via a graphic on my social media
  • via a blog, article or other written format (like an eBook) – an example of how your dream may appear is here

If your question is chosen, you’ll receive an email to say it’s being explored and then where you can find it, when it’s ready.

Please note that not all dreams can be selected due to the volume of emails received, and the answer offered will be an exploration of a dream theme not a definitive analysis. Your name will appear as it’s given in the form below (just your first name is fine). 

When sending your dream please try to keep your question as concise as possible – for example “why do I keep dreaming about tigers?” or “what does it mean to dream of clowns?” (Basically, the longer your message, the less likely it is to be chosen. If you’d like a more in-depth exploration of your dream, you might like my paid service, blip.)

Sign up to Monday Mojo™

My weekly newsletter designed to provide insight and inspiration.

Here Delphi offers some thoughts on the question “What are Dreams?” which she expands on in more detail in Answers in the Dark, available on Amazon and Hive

Have a listen to three common and recurring dreams in this video

The analysis itself was so accurate and made a lot of sense to me, and has helped me to resolve and make sense of some things that have reoccurred frequently in my dreams.”

L, client.

Out Now

The 4am Mystery: That’s an actual thing by the way. Even before a global health crisis, people found themselves awake in the middle of the night. Answers In The Dark aims to join the dots between sleep, dreams and our mental health, specifically how grief shows up, even if no one has died. 

It explores some of the Big Myths of sleep, offers a Sleep Cycle Repair Kit and tips on how to decode your own dreams. Out now on Amazon and Hive

#1 Best Seller on Amazon for its category.

As seen on TV

For a full list of media appearances click here.

Watch Delphi speaking on Loose Women about dreams and what they might mean.

Delphi is the author of Answers In The Dark: Grief, Sleep and How Dreams Can Help You Heal, out now on Amazon and Hive.  Monday Mojo™ is not affiliated with any newsletter or podcast that may have the same name. All services are subject to availability. All content is © Delphi Ellis, all rights reserved. Please read these policies for more details.