Monday Mojo – Encourage the Praise

Do you tend to get in your own way sometimes? I ask because when things are going well, we can sometimes sabotage our own efforts to get where we want to be. In a world that’s topsy turvy right now, it makes sense if you sometimes question the decisions you make. But when that startsContinueContinue reading “Monday Mojo – Encourage the Praise”

Monday Mojo – Turn it Round

How do you introduce yourself to people? We usually start with what we do, like our job title or where we went to school. We try to “qualify” ourselves to show our worth. The problem is when we do this, even with all the qualifications and experience we have, we might still think “Am IContinueContinue reading “Monday Mojo – Turn it Round”

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

During a recent workshop I was teaching, I asked the attendees what they would say to themselves if they dropped their wallets/purses at the checkout, and all the coins/contents scattered across the floor in front of them. Not one of them said they’d say “whoops, that was an accident”. Every one of them said they’dContinueContinue reading “Mirror Mirror on the Wall”